Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Almost skin

Yesterday I didn't do much blogging..I was busy looking for stencils and practicing my tattooing! I must say that the Almost skin which was the fake skin I bought 2 days ago worked fantastic! I must admit I started a little rough since I'm was not used to is more like real human skin. But after I got the hang of it.. it was easier than the old one I used. I CAN ACTUALLY SHADE!! Its soo awesome! Its vary smooth to shade and blend colors. The only problem(which is not really a problem) with it is that is kinda tricky when u start doing the lines and such. But over all I would recommend Almost skin to anyone who is doing a tattoo apprenticeship!!Anyways..I keep doing old school tattoo because like I said its easier to start with..colors are  solid and lines are bold. But next time I will do another style of tattooing! I need to keep practicing! . I'm also happy that my teacher (boyfriend) is proud of  me and of how much I've learned..makes me want to get better and better! Anyways..Have a great day to all! :D

I tattooed this crow on my Almost skin.:]
Much improvement!!